Can Kambaba Jasper Go In Water?

Kambaba Jasper can go in water for generations without dissolving in any noticeable way. This is because this Jasper isn't a Jasper crystal at all...
Can Kambaba Jasper Be In Water?
Kambaba Jasper

For the sake of transparency we'll repeat ourselves right now... yes! It can absolutely go in water.
In fact, this stone used to be water.
Wait what?
Yep! This "crystal" isn't a crystal at all... it's actually an algae fossil.
Yeah the difference between a crystal, fossil, and mineral can get pretty confusing.
But let's stay focused and figure out if this little one can handle water or not.
Kambaba Jasper not only loves water, it grows in water!
Granted, it does take thousands and thousands of years for it to grow... but it still grows!
Stromatolites ( what Kambaba Jasper is) are layered fossils that formed in water by trapping sedimentary grains in biofilms produced by algae.
You probably know that crystals are usually thousands of years old, but take a guess at how old this kind of stone is.
Go ahead. Guess.
Hope you guessed a high number.
Kambaba Jasper often billions of years old. This slab of Jasper from modern day Minnesota is over 1.8 billion years old.
Dinosaurs were around only 50-100 million years ago.
To hold a piece of Kambaba Jasper is to hold one of the oldest things in the world.
That's why you have to be careful with where you put it!
Putting Kambaba Jasper In Acidic Water
Please, please avoid putting this fossil in acidic water.
Depending on where this fossil formed, it is likely made up of a lot of limestone...
and limestone reacts with acid very easily.
If you put Kambab Jasper in vinegar, it will dissolve.
Billions of years gone in just a few minutes.
Don't do it.
If you want to clean your Jasper then you should use distilled water and a cloth.
Avoid soap, avoid lemon juice.
Honestly, it's something we normally don't have to mention, but you should avoid taking this thing out in the rain too.
It really is quite sensitive.
What About Unpurified Water?
This is normally the part of the article where we warn you again a shiny crystal's biggest fear:
calcium build and limestone.
But... this isn't a crystal.
And it's not afraid of limestone because it normally is limestone.
However, if you have a tumbled or polished piece of Kambaba Jasper then you still might want to think twice about letting it soak in non-distilled water.
The fresh lime stone won't hurt it, but it will take away the shine that tumbled pieces have.
And hey, the fossil has been around long enough that it deserves to shine right?
Is Kambaba a Jasper algae?
Kambaba Jasper #2

As we mentioned above Kambaba isn't like a normal crystal. It's actually a fossil of algae that formed near the South Africa Rift that runs from South Africa to Madagascar.
The algae trapped microscopic pieces of dirt and rock over billions of years to grow into a piece you can hold.
Pretty cool right?
Is Kambaba Jasper the same as Ocean Jasper?
Kambaba Jasper Cutout

Kambaba Jasper and Ocean Jasper are not the same. Kambaba Jasper is a fossil whereas Ocean Jasper is a crystal. Ocean Jasper is a type of crystal from Madagascar with, admittedly similar, algae patterns throughout its body. Although the two pieces may look similar, they aren't even in the same family. They don't even share a similar chemical makeup. Ocean Jasper is made of Silicon Dioxide and Kambaba Jasper is made of sediment and dead algae.
Should you choose Kambaba or Ocean Jasper?
Of course I'm biased since I love crystals so much but... why not both?
Although they look kind of similar, they're so different that I think it's worth nabbing them both. But hey, don't let me be a bad influence on ya.
How To Charge Kambaba Jasper
Kambaba Jasper Stone

If you're a return visitor then you'll know how much we love to charge crystals based on their individual properties. Although this isn't technically a crystal, we still want to use it's background to help us a choose our charging method. There's really only one choice here, and that's to return this fossil to where it's been for billions of years: Salt water.
Salt has been used throughout history to absorb unwanted energy and banish negativity.
If you’re near an ocean, then we suggest collecting a bowl of fresh saltwater.
Otherwise, mix lots of salt together water and pop the fossil in.
Make sure that the stone is completely submerged, and allow it to soak for a few days’.
Rinse and pat dry when complete.
What Stones Can You Not Get Wet?
If you search this up then people are gonna tell you the lazy answer that all crystals 5 or lower on the Mohs scale of hardness can't get wet.
That's not true.
Almost all crystals can get wet short term with no problems at all.
You want to know some crystals that REALLY can't get wet?
Try putting one of those gems in water for a moment and see what you'll be left with. Nothing.
Can You Put Gemstones In Water?
Impression Painting of Kambaba Jasper

We've looked at a large number of crystals to see if they can go in water.
And I do mean lot.
Just a few examples: Can Moss Agate go in water? Is Sugilite water safe? Can Sunstone and water mix? What happens to Rhyolite in water? Can Zebra Jasper get wet?
Spoilers for all of those questions... yes. They can get wet.
Some crystals like Larimar or Selenite can't get wet for long periods of time but those are exceptions. Pretty much all crystals, especially those in the Quartz family, are going to be fine in water.